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Image by Lisheng Chang

We Want 
you to thrive!

Cultural Orientation to the

Least Reached Nations of Asia


find out more about:

We want you to do well in your newfound role in ministry among the least reached in Asia. Our vision is to equip you for maximum ministry effectiveness and life quality as you engage with cultures around you. Our courses focus on functioning well in your new environment with colleagues from other parts of the world and national workers, but also on how to interact with those you want to reach, be it through evangelism, discipleship or holistic development.


Setting up people for success in South East Asia since 2014


Satisfied Learners


Course Modules Served


trainers and presenters have decades of first-hand, on the ground experience


Our Promise

Experienced Presenters

Our teachers and presenters all have extensive, first-hand experience living and working in the country they are teaching about.

Topics that Matter

Topics covered are curated to give you the best value in starting out in your new ministry role. We stay grounded in practical reality. 

When you need it

Our courses are designed to fit with when most expats arrive (after the summer holidays of the northern and southern hemisphere)

Great Experience

Our onsite courses include interactions with local staff and trying out local foods.


We Want to
Partner with You  

Outsource your organizations or business's cultural orientation needs to thrive:ASIA. We can adjust the training to your recruits and training needs.


What others 

say about us


"The topics really helped me to understand my national colleagues on a deeper level" 

Thrive:ASIA particpant

"The statistics are mind boggling! Thanks for sharing these. The session on poverty was really relevant to my job."

Thrive:ASIA particpant

"I was encouraged to serve with humility."

Thrive:ASIA particpant

Monks on a Canoe


Want to understand your Asian neighbours at a deeper level? Arrived in Asia recently, maybe only days ago? Discovering that people don't just talk a different language, they think and feel differently?


Struggling to see how God can use you in your new environment? Wondering how others have managed to stick around for decades? We asked the same questions and set out to find the answers.

About Us
Image by Florian Wehde

Sharing what we learned

As we discovered that many are struggling to stay long term we decided to ask people who have managed to stick around to share at thrive:ASIA for the first time in 2014. Providing a high quality, relevant and up-to date orientation program is an essential part of retention in any place, but especially in environments you may find taxing.

thrive:ASIA's orientation training is focussed on 'least reached' nations. Places, where the Gospel has not yet taken root,  where doing ministry is harder because of aggravated circumstances. We are especially passionate about equipping workers for so called 'creative access nations'.


Our courses are chock full of topics relevant to starting out well in a new cultural context. You will learn about culture shock, national cultures and minorities, the predominant religion and history. You will also have the opportunity to discuss IT security and healthcare in your country of service. At thrive:ASIA we will look at who we are, learn how others work with national co-workers and staff and get an overview of like minded initiatives in the country.

Everyone at thrive:ASIA, including all our presenters and facilitators, have extensive experience living and working as overseas workers in the country they are discussing. Everyone at thrive:ASIA is working to see vibrant communities among the least reached. 


Please be aware that, due to the security related nature of some of the course materials and presenters, we only process requests with a valid reference quoted. 

A reference may be a former participant of a thrive:ASIA course, a staff in your sending organization or the person who pointed these courses out to you. Please include a valid email address.

Thanks for submitting your message!

Image by Andreas Brücker

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